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Understanding Theories of Crime Explanation

May 23, 2023 | 0 comments

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May 23, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments

There exist different theoretical explanations of crime. These explanations are embedded in theories such as the classical theory, positivism, biological, cultural, family, genetic and realism just to mention a few. This section shall discuss all these theories.

The classical theory holds the view that an Individual has the communication ability to make a choice between offending and not offending. It is therefore suitable for an offender to be punished because they had the choice to do the right thing. In the classical theory, the laws should be enacted should foster a similarity where they affect all human kind. Punishment should also not be too severe or too little, it should match the severity of the crime. In addition, the punishment of sentencing methods should be one that prevents criminal behavior. The sanctions imposed should be useful enough that after the sentence the offender is dejected from crime as soon as possible. This theory was primarily approved because it was seen as a huge developmental step on the previous bitty system.

The positivism theory is used in medicine and sciences. The theory was created to reduce crime, it follows the assumption that an individual consumes no choice in obligating to the crime then it is incorrect to punish that individual for actions outside their control. This theory disregards the idea of avoidance of crime and instead suggests that individuals must be skilled to help feel the determination towards their problem. This rule is called rehabilitation. Philosophers argued that such methods could be functional to the analysis of criminal behavior in methods.

The realism theory on the other hand, is divided into to two, the right and left realism. The right realism claims that crime should be taken extremely and in its place of looking after the offender, the government should look after victims of crime. The government should also substitute the weak liberal criminal justice system with sturdy penal sanctions. The left realism on the other hand, is more of theoretical than practical theory. It suggests that crime should be taken seriously because it the general acceptance argument of the public. It also claims that the mainstream street crime was approved out by associates of the working class versus other associates of the working class.

In right realism, the command and control of crime the requirements need to be tough and sudden punishment for the aimed criminal class. The theory suggests further zero tolerance to crime and an offender should only be given three chances before they are out. The left realism regulates social policies and refers more police responsibility to local communities, informal community control constructions that stop crime, to increase public recognition for their thoughts they reinforced the policies of CCTV and environment maintenance that deliver reassurance to communities. The main claim for the left realism is that crime is caused by when expectations of the people are not met by real opportunities. To combat this, an equal society should be build.

The biological theory fosters the idea that the body shapes and sizes of sentences murderers demonstrate that they are different from the law-abiding citizens. Reminder at this time the thoughts of Darwin about natural selection were actual relevant. The theory further suggests that criminal genes can be passed from a parent to a child. Criminal tendencies grow in a child from an early age into adulthood. Individuals in families that encounter problems inherit the criminal syndrome and are forced to follow the crime career then pass the syndrome to their children.

The cultural theory of crime was developed from quantitative data collected among on young male offenders who lived in big cities that had poor environmental facilities. The researchers argued that community structures influenced criminal behaviors. The people who lived in closely knit families and communities were less likely to commit crime because the individuals knew each other very well and people are able to control their actions. This theory agrees with the positivist approach that suggests individuals do not commit crime through their own fault but circumstances they find themselves.

Lastly, the family innovative theory is closely related to the cultural theory. Several studies have been conducted to find out whether or not problematic families convey criminal behavior through generations. The theory suggests that individuals from problematic families have a high chance of participating in criminal activity than those from peace full families. Children exposed to violence at a tender age are likely to grow to be violent adults.




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