The interview process provides an excellent opportunity for the hospital to find the right person for the unit. It is quite difficult to find the person who will be a perfect fit for the unit, however, the interview provides the best opportunity to learn about potential candidates. This is the reason why the interview process comes after all other procedures and steps of the recruitment and selection has been completed. It has been determined that several individuals will be needed to fill the upcoming vacancies in the hospital cardiac unit. With this determination, it has become vital to select the most qualified candidates to fill the positions.
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Steps in conducting a successful interview
Preparation: preparation is not just for the candidate being considered. The panel also needs to prepare a list of questions, possible responses and follow-ups to ensure the interview goes smoothly. Without proper preparation, some information may be missed out, information that would be vital in the selection process. Furthermore, some candidates will not get a fair chance to impress their skills and knowledge upon the panel.
Know the job requirements: the interview is the opportunity to determine if a candidate fits the available vacancy. The first thing, therefore, is that as interviewers, there is a need to review the job requirements, skills, knowledge and experience that is necessary to be successful in the job. With this information, questions can be set to gauge the abilities of the candidate as per the job. It is not surprising for the top candidate in the selection process to miss out on the job because they lack the main requirements and necessary skills to complete the tasks required of them.
Prepare criteria: many interviewers fail because they have no set criteria upon which they can base their selection. Because of the lack of criteria, they are unable to make an ideal choice from the candidates presented to them. On the other hand, the criteria that are set should include measurable variables. The members of the panel should be able to rate each variable to provide a clear picture of the most favourable candidate. During the interview process, each member of the panel will get a different feel of the available candidates. The criteria provide a platform which can be used to analyze and compare different candidates, thereby ensuring that the candidate chosen is the best and most ideal.
Set a schedule: the interview process works better if members are aware of a time limit to the interviews. Without a proper schedule, the interview process could indeed become endless, and in turn members of the panel can easily lose motivation. As part of the schedule, it is important to ensure that the interviews are not crammed into a short time. This provides two distinct disadvantages; the first is that the members of the panel will be rushed, limiting the information that they will have the opportunity to gather. They may not get to know the candidates as well and give them an equal and fair chance. Secondly, the panel is likely to lose any motivation to find the best fit for the cardiac unit. They are therefore likely to just select any candidate, without consideration of the skills and knowledge that is required from the candidate. It is therefore important to ensure ample time for the interviews as well as time in which the panel can take a break and rest.
Professionalism: considering that this interview will involve the selection of a candidate to work in the cardiac unit, professionalism is not only required from the candidate but the panellists as well. Panellists from the clinical unit are best portrayed by their uniform and gear. In this way, candidates can expect them to understand the clinical terms and also feel at peace in the hospital environment. Professional dressing and mannerisms are therefore required from all the panellists. Even though candidates may elicit negative emotions from the panel such as anger, disgust and boredom; they should not show these emotions physically or portray them. Also, all panellists need to show an equal amount of interest in all candidates and their abilities or the interview could seem biased.
The most important thing to consider and remember is that all questions need to be related to the job. The law protects candidates from discrimination and invasion of privacy, with job-related questions the panel remains safe from any liability.

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