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The Lamb and The Tyger: A Comparative Analysis of Blake’s Poems

Feb 24, 2023 | 0 comments

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Feb 24, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments


William Blake is well known for his poetry works. This essay will compare and contrast his two poems, the Lamb and the Tyger with a quotation from both poems. Both of these poems have similar ways of passing the message to the audience but are also different at the same time.

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The voice in the Lamb is that of child hence the language used is simple. For example the poem begins with the words, “Little Lamb I’ll tell thee”, the same line is repeated twice in the poem, creating rhyme like that of the songs sung by children in preschool. In the second stanza, the reader is informed that the persona in the poem is indeed a child, through the lines “I a child and thou a lamb”. The child is described humble and innocent, “He is meek, and He is mild”. Looking the Tyger, the picture painted by the Blake is that of a furious animal with very bright eyes. The creature is also said to live in the forest and only comes out at night. To increase the suspense, Blake uses rhetorical questions, for example in the first stanza he asks the question, “Could frame they fearful symmetry?” the persona is the poem inquires who would have created such fearful looking creature. The same inquiry is made all through the poem in differing ways, for example, in stanza two, “what the hand, dread seize the fire”, in stanza three, “What dread hand? & what dread feet?”

In the Tyger, the persona in the poem questions the vicious nature of the creature. He states that the creature has scary eyes, large feet. The questions asked at the end of every stanza seek to find the main motivation behind the creation of such a creature; the tiger is described as both fascinating to look at and scary creature. The intentions of God creating such a creature are questioned. The structure of the poems is different, for instance, In the Tyger, there are six stanzas, each with four lines. The lamb, on the other hand, has two stanzas with the rhyming chorus.

The two poems are similar in several ways, for example, the theme in both poems is that of creation. In the lamb, the child is med by the creation of a lamb by God. The lamb is meek and innocent. The end of the poem the speaker appreciates Gods work of creating the lamb, “Little Lamb God blesses thee”. In the Tyger, the same theme of creation is also seen. In the first stanza the persona, asks, “What immortal hand or eye could frame they fearful symmetry.”

Both poems create imagery for a better understanding of the message in the poems. The imagery created in the lamb is that of beautiful creation by God, the lamb is humble and kind, the lamb is a child. The Tiger also uses imagery; the imagery used here is a horrific one. The creature in the poem the vicious, and scary. Reading both poems, the reader creates both images.

Both poems use rhetorical questions to understand the world better. The poems go together, and that person cannot speak of one without mentioning the other. The Tyger is the opposite of the Lamb, it speaks of the evils of the world and why such evil do exists. The speaker in the poem questions why would there be evil in creatures created by God. The lamb, on the other hand, is the opposite of the Tyger, praising God’s creation.


The poems are similar in the theme of creation, imagery and rhyme scheme. The poems are also different from the structure, and the way they are written. The Tyger is longer than the lamb, illustrating that it has more meaning than the lamb. This essay has compared and contrasted both poems o my understanding.

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