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Allied Contractors: Business and Ethics

Jul 3, 2023 | 0 comments

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Jul 3, 2023 | Essays | 0 comments

Business specification of Allied Contractors

Allied Contractors have a major stake and business interest in the demolition and constructing industry. A great deal of development has been envisioned since the company was started a decade ago and presently the challenges of working under complex demolition projects has been conceptualized into becoming a more health conscious and safety zone for all our employees. The current standards of business operations with regards to environmental conservation and varied aspects of legislation have been adhered to the latter. In operation is a fleet of modernized equipment that makes it ideal for the business to carry out its core competency of demolition in any part of the country (Emily, 2009). Specifically, the company has great experience working in the mining industry coupled with other prospects of the quarrying business where business is undertaken through collaboration with local authorities and various environmental agencies. Furthermore, the workforce at Allied Contractors has guaranteed certification of operation in CPCS and SPA accreditation which ensures excellent operations in deconstruction, salvage of removed buildings, asbestos removal and recycling of materials. On a regular basis, our excavators are usually renewed to ensure that the tools for our operations are always in the best of conditions so as to ensure excellent service provision to all our clients.

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Raytheon Code of Ethics Evaluation and Effectiveness

Considering that the businesses for Allied Contractors are tied around demolition of buildings and other projects that are considered to be considerably risky, there is a constant focus by the management to ensure the safety and health of all employees is secure at all times while on the job. All the existing environmental laws for safe working places are complied with appropriately and it is the mandate of each and every employee to ensure the sanity of the environment at all times of working while at the same time be well versed with various ideals of hazard prevention. In the event that an employee feels their working conditions poses a risk to them, it is their duty to ensure that the Ethics Office is made knowledgeable of the same so as to ensure their concerns are looked into and tackled in the most appropriate and safe ways. The need to respect the human rights for employees together with that of people in the operational locations of the business is a commitment shown in Allied Contractors policies and business practices (CArlsoen, 2007). Evidently, the commitment to uphold the human rights of all is ensured through respectful treatment of people; ensure that all business dealings are undertaken with the highest value of integrity and offering employees and communities a platform to air their concerns and complaints about the business operations of the corporation. To further ensure that the prospect of human rights is always upheld at the workplace, Allied Contractors is in collaboration with various union organizations for workers that help in condemning aspects of labor exploitation, sexual harassment or any cases tied around misdemeanors at the workplace with regards to job promotions.

Three Critical Clauses Aiding in Impropriety Avoidance

Compliance with laws and regulations comes first in line under this case where all and sundry within the organization just like the Raytheon case need to abide by the existing laws and regulations so as to ensure the smooth running of Allied. Considering we are a private entity, it is our mandate to ensure that all cases be it suspect of actual be reported to the General Counsel office promptly irrespective of its nature. Appropriate authorities also are notified in the event that there is evidence of U.S Code Title 8 has been violated; the reputation is heavily build on how efficiently and effectively the organization takes it upon itself to make reports in accordance with the mandatory disclosure requisite. Secondly, the aspect of labor charging is a an integral ideal in the operations of Allied Contractors and mischarging of various operational proponents of the business is against its existent set focus on upholding the company policy at all times (Kandisky, 2015). In the event that a customer is inappropriately charged it is the duty of the Finance Department to disclose such a case to the appropriate Federal Office through the help of a government appointed Inspector General. Similarly, in the event that any customer has any concerns regarding their billing, it is the duty of the Finance Department together with the Ethics Office to take up the matter and explain the charging prospects that envision the labor costs. Lastly, the ideal of relationship being a tying point that determines whether or not Allied Contractors scores a contract should be avoided at all costs. It is the job of the Ethics Office to ensure that the business steers clear of any kind of relative projects that could be tied to aspects of conflict of interest and use all knowledge in their power to ensure that the business does not get into such or relative contracts of the kind.

Additional Ethics Inclusions in the Allied Contractors Code of Conduct Document

Considering the business operations of Allied Contractors is tied around demolition and dismantling of projects; most definitely, the operations of the business will affect the environment either directly or indirectly. In consideration of this influences to the environment, ensuring that safety of the workplace comes first in place and equally establishing a corporate social responsibly strategy for the organization is ideal. The formers is purposed to ensure that people within the working areas and community at large is not affected health-wise by the business operations and the latter’s prospect is guided by the need to ensure that the environment is conserved.

Potential Ethical Breach with an Implication of Possible Fraud in the Contracting Process

The ideal of fraudulent prospects in the contracting process is inched on breaking of policy incumbents and similar ideals that are tied to the same. Conspiring with external suppliers so as to ensure contracts bidding by the organization are scored are referred to as the scoring point of a fraudulent case and it is the mandate of the Ethics Office to ensure that the organization does not deal in such cases that are relative to the actual policies of the organization. Cases of complementing existing bids, suppressing the same and price fixations and rigging are common practice that organizations are engaged in so as to ensure that they win bids (Bartolini, 2012 ). At Allied Contractors, we are a team that highly upholds integrity and believed the foundations of our business do not allow us to engage in such corrupt activities in ensuring we attract new business. Our attention is rather dedicated to offering our services to customer in the most sincere ways possible while ensuring the customer needs comes first.


Bartolini, A. (2012, August 3). Examples of Procurement Fraud. Retrieved July 16, 2015, from CPO Rising : http://cporising.com/2012/08/03/examples-of-procurement-fraud/

CArlsoen, S. (2007). Raytheon Code of Conduct . Raytheon , 12-34.

Emily, C. (2009). The Ideal of Contracting. London : Routledge .

Kandisky, W. (2015, February 23). Integrity, Equality and Consistency . Retrieved July 14, 2015, from The Code of Conduct in the CIDT Act : http://www.bowman.co.za/News-Blog/Blog/THE-CODE-OF-CONDUCT-IN-THE-CIDB-ACT

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