Reasons for selecting Loyola
The institution offers catered courses that allow for growth of leadership skills in the modern society. The college has been touted as one of the best in laying the foundation, bringing to fruition and production of excellent leaders who have progressed to make a major difference in society. Whereas other institutions may offer leadership training, few base their training on the development of value based leadership. Value based leaders are set apart by their own character based on honesty and integrity. In the current society, there is an increased desire and cry for value based leaders. Leaders who use their skills to bring about development to all individuals despite their race, social class and even gender. For this leader, focus is never on them but always on the people they are leading.
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Primary tools
Excellence: the university’s education is centered on excellence that is, being the best one can be at all times. There exist a variety of skills and knowledge which one can gain from various institutions. With this skills however, Loyola trains in excellence. Given two candidates with the same skills and knowledge, a candidate from this university will stand out in terms of pursuing excellence and doing more than is expected. In the university education, concern is not just given to pursuing education but also towards building of character, this is the fundamental concern for transformative education.
Global interrelatedness: the current world society exists in such a way that various global institutions, countries and people remain connected. It is important to understand the way such relationships can be used, exploited and developed in order to create a more united society. Through these relationships it is in fact possible to resolve majority of the problems such as poverty, famine and climate change in a sustainable manner.
Ignatian mission
Universities today and institutions governing universities are often very concerned with the content being delivered to students. Much emphasis is given to the specific course, the development of the course structure and course content. Loyola does this and much more. The ignatian mission emphasizes teaching through reflection. Students such as myself, will undergo various lessons that will guide towards internal transformation. Such transformation is vital towards academic success and accomplishment of personal goals in the following ways:
- Development of ideal goals: by understanding oneself, one is able to channel skills, passion and experience into realizable personal goals. These goals are based on the understanding of oneself and their abilities and are therefore achievable as well as challenging.
- Discipline: the ignatian mission focuses on enhancing personal values and discipline. There is a higher chance of success, when one is more focused and disciplined. Although one may have the skills and knowledge, a lack of discipline provides a remedy for failure.
- Understanding individual operations: that is, how I do things and accomplish tasks set before me. With this information, I can be able to develop sustainable tools to deal and overcome with challenges in academic studies and pursuit of personal goals.
Long term plans
To achieve long term success, long term plans are essential. They play a vital role in ensuring that the individual has a basis upon which to base the short term plans. Long term plans include:
- Goals and objectives; these are essentially general goals that will take time to achieve. For example, they may include pursuit of a specific career path. This requires gaining education, experience and pursuing the right job openings.
- Strategy: to meet the long term objectives, there is need to develop a form of general strategy that includes expected challenges and solutions to the same challenges. The strategy is mainly the path that will be followed to achieve the long term goals.
- Milestones: this are set targets which can be used to monitor the progress of the long term plan. Milestones are achievements identified within the long term, which will indicate progress and also allow for restructuring of the plan to address new challenges. Milestones are vital in the long term plan because they allow the individual to see what they have achieved in light of the steps taken and work done as compared to what they expect to achieve in the future.
Achieving of goals through Loyola
Guidance: Loyola professors can provide guidance in navigating the new path of transformational education. There are less chances of failure when the guidance and advice of the professors is taken into account. The professors not only possess the knowledge and experience in academia, they are also aware of some the challenges that one can encounter and therefore provide right advice.
Structured exploration: academia which includes research is based on the individual desire to explore various phenomenon. The university will provide a structured environment where such exploration can be pursued with higher chances of success.
The university also includes resources such as libraries and other vital components in the pursuit of success in academics. By outing together various programs directed at developing personal achievement, the university provides an ideal ground to explore these resources.

With a student-centered approach, I create engaging and informative blog posts that tackle relevant topics for students. My content aims to equip students with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed academically and beyond.