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Cracking the Code: A Step-by-Step Approach to Writing an A+ IB Extended Essay

Jul 8, 2023 | 0 comments

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Jul 8, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

If you’re a high school student undertaking the daunting task of completing an extended essay, you’re in the right place. The extended essay is not just an ordinary research paper; it’s an opportunity to delve deep into a subject of your choice, showcase your analytical skills, and demonstrate your ability to engage in independent research.

The Extended Essay (known as the ‘EE’), along with CAS and TOK, is a core component of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and is mandatory for all students, regardless of their subjects. To get a diploma, you must complete the Extended and TOK Essay.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide, breaking down the process into manageable steps, so you can confidently embark on this intellectual journey and unlock the secrets to crafting an A+ extended essay. So, let’s dive in and decode the elements that make up a stellar extended essay.


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What is an IB extended essay?

An extended essay is an in-depth research project undertaken by high school students, typically as part of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program or similar advanced study programs. It gives students a unique opportunity to explore a subject of their choice in detail, fostering independent research skills and critical thinking abilities.

Unlike a typical essay, an extended essay requires extensive research, analysis, and the development of a well-structured argument. Students choose a topic within their chosen subject area and delve into it over an extended period, producing substantial academic writing.

The extended essay allows students to showcase their intellectual curiosity, creativity, and ability to engage in rigorous academic inquiry. It is a valuable learning experience and a chance for students to develop essential skills for higher education and beyond.


Choosing the Perfect Topic for Your IB Diploma Programme

Cracking the Code: A Step-by-Step Approach to Writing an A+ IB Extended Essay 1

When choosing a specific topic for an A+ extended essay, choosing something that captivates your interest and fits within the given IB extended essay guide is important.

  • List potential topics that align with your interests and evaluate their relevance to the subject.
  • Consider the availability of resources and information related to each topic to ensure a smooth research process.
  • Refine your list by brainstorming unique angles and perspectives for a specific, focused research question.
  • Seek feedback from teachers, mentors, academic advisors, and peers to gain valuable insights and help narrow your choices. Engaging in discussions can lead to new perspectives and further refine your focus.


Extended Essay Topic Examples

Choosing the perfect topic for your extended essay can be exciting yet challenging. You’ll want to write an extended essay topic or subject you know. To inspire your exploration, here are 10 examples of extended essay topics across various subject areas:

  1. The influence of social media on body image perception among adolescents: An analysis of psychological and societal factors (Psychology).
  2. The role of renewable energy in mitigating climate change: A comparative study of solar and wind energy technologies (Environmental Systems and Societies).
  3. Investigating the effects of music therapy on individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A comprehensive analysis of its benefits and limitations (Music).
  4. The portrayal of gender roles in selected Shakespearean plays: An examination of societal norms and their evolution (English Literature).
  5. Analyzing the impact of colonialism on indigenous cultures: A case study of cultural preservation efforts in a specific region (History).
  6. Exploring the ethical implications of gene editing technology: A critical evaluation of CRISPR-Cas9 and its potential applications (Biology).
  7. Investigating the relationship between economic growth and income inequality in emerging economies: A comparative analysis (Economics).
  8. The role of symbolism in the works of Frida Kahlo: A study of her artistic expression and its underlying meanings (Visual Arts).
  9. Analyzing the influence of media on political campaigns: A case study of the use of social media in recent elections (Media Studies).
  10. The portrayal of mental illness in contemporary literature: A comparative analysis of selected novels (Language and Literature).


Crafting a Stellar Research Question

Cracking the Code: A Step-by-Step Approach to Writing an A+ IB Extended Essay 2


Congratulations on narrowing down your topic! Now it’s time to take the next crucial step in writing an A+ extended essay: crafting a stellar research question. Your research question will guide your essay, shaping the direction of your investigation and providing a clear focus for your analysis. So, let’s dive into crafting a research question that will elevate your extended essay to new heights.

First and foremost, your research question should be purposeful and well-defined. It should clearly state the specific aspect of your chosen topic that you intend to explore. Avoid broad or vague questions that lack focus, leading to a scattered and unfocused essay. Instead, aim for a specific and tightly focused question, allowing you to delve into the depths of your topic.

To create a stellar research question, consider the following tips:

  1. Be curious and original: Seek to ask a question that hasn’t been extensively explored or approach a well-studied topic from a fresh angle. By bringing a unique perspective to your research question, you’ll engage your readers and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.
  2. Aim for depth and complexity: A compelling research question should have enough complexity to generate in-depth analysis and discussion. Avoid questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no. Instead, opt for questions that require critical thinking, analysis of multiple perspectives, or the synthesis of various sources of information.
  3. Ensure feasibility: While it’s important to be ambitious, it’s equally important to ensure that your research question is feasible within the given time, resources, and constraints. Consider the availability of relevant sources, data, and methodologies that will allow you to effectively investigate and answer your research question.
  4. Refine and revise: Crafting a research question is an iterative process. Don’t be afraid to revise and refine your question as you delve deeper into your research. Seek feedback from your teachers, mentors, or peers to help you evaluate the clarity and effectiveness of your research question.


Conducting In-Depth Research

Now that you have a well-crafted research question, it’s time to conduct in-depth research for your extended essay. In this stage, you gather the necessary information, explore various sources, and become a true investigator in your chosen field. So, let’s dive into the research world and uncover the secrets to conducting a comprehensive and enlightening study.

The first step in conducting in-depth research is to familiarize yourself with the existing literature and sources related to your topic. Start by visiting physical and digital libraries and exploring their vast collection of books, scholarly journals, and academic databases. Utilize search engines and specialized research platforms to broaden your scope and access information.

As you dive into the literature, be sure to take organized notes. Record key findings, notable quotes, and references to specific sources. Keeping track of your sources from the beginning is essential, as this will make the later process of citing and referencing much easier.

Additionally, don’t limit yourself to traditional academic sources alone. Consider incorporating other forms of information, such as interviews with experts, surveys, or primary source materials, depending on your topic. These additional sources can provide unique insights and add depth to your research.

While conducting research, it’s crucial to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of your sources. Assess the author’s qualifications, the publication’s reputation, and the quality of evidence presented. Be cautious of bias or outdated information that may skew your analysis.

To ensure comprehensive research, consider exploring different perspectives and approaches to your topic. Engage with scholarly debates and conflicting viewpoints, enriching your understanding and allowing you to present a well-rounded analysis in your essay.

Organizing your research materials and findings is paramount to staying focused and avoiding being overwhelmed. Create a system that works for you using digital tools like spreadsheets, note-taking apps, or organizing physical files.

Categorize your research materials based on themes or subtopics, allowing for easy retrieval and referencing during the writing process. Remember, conducting in-depth research involves gathering information, engaging with the material, and synthesizing your findings.

Take the time to analyze and critically evaluate the information you collect. Identify patterns, connections, and gaps in the existing knowledge, as these insights will inform the development of your arguments and contribute to the originality of your extended essay.


Organizing Your Thoughts During The Reflection Process

Organizing Your Thoughts During The Reflection Process


Organizing your thoughts for an A+ extended essay begins with creating an outline as a roadmap. Identify the main points or arguments you want to make and arrange them in a logical sequence that builds upon each other. Break down each main point into subpoints or supporting evidence, using bullet points or numbering to visually organize them.

Allocate appropriate space to each section while considering your essay’s word count and overall balance. Remember your research question to ensure that each section contributes to answering it. Consider using visual aids like mind maps or flowcharts to visualize connections between ideas. Be open to revising and refining your organization as new insights emerge during the writing process.

Effective organization is key to presenting your ideas clearly, logically, and engagingly in your A+ extended essay. Start by creating an outline as a roadmap, identifying main points and arranging them in a coherent sequence. Break down main points into subpoints or evidence using visual aids like bullet points or numbering.

Allocate appropriate space to each section while considering your essay’s word count and balance. Keep your research question in focus, ensuring each section contributes meaningfully. Visual aids such as mind maps or flowcharts can help visualize connections. Be open to revising and refining your organization as you progress in the writing process.


Writing the Introduction

Crafting an engaging and impactful introduction for your A+ extended essay is crucial to hook your readers. Begin with a captivating opening sentence, using a quote, question, or anecdote to grab their attention.

Provide background information on your topic, explaining its importance and relevance. Present a clear and assertive thesis statement that outlines your essay’s key points or arguments.

Keep the introduction concise, striking a balance between context and anticipation. Consider the tone and voice that best suits your topic and audience. Revise and refine your introduction as needed to align with the evolving direction of your essay.

The introduction to your A+ extended essay is a vital element that captures your reader’s attention and sets the stage for the rest of your essay. Start with an attention-grabbing opening sentence, using quotes, questions, or anecdotes. Provide relevant background information to contextualize your topic and highlight its importance.

Present a concise thesis statement outlining the main points or arguments to be explored. Keep the introduction concise while generating anticipation for the upcoming content.

Choose a tone and voice that aligns with your topic and audience. Adapt and refine your introduction as necessary to accurately reflect the content of your essay.


Conducting a Thorough Analysis

Cracking the Code: A Step-by-Step Approach to Writing an A+ IB Extended Essay 3


Conducting a thorough analysis in your IB extended essay is crucial in showcasing your critical thinking and analytical skills. As an IB student in the Diploma Programme, you’ll dive into your research findings, unearthing insights and constructing a robust argument.

Begin by analyzing the evidence you’ve gathered under the guidance of your supervisor. Scrutinize the data, examples, and sources to identify relevant and credible evidence that aligns with your research question. Engage in critical thinking by challenging assumptions, evaluating different viewpoints, and considering alternative interpretations.

Address counterarguments to demonstrate your awareness of opposing perspectives. Logically organize your thoughts, using transitional phrases to guide readers through your analysis.

Provide thoughtful interpretations and insights, adding your perspective to the scholarly conversation.

Remember, analysis is not just about summarizing information but about extracting meaning and generating new knowledge. Embrace this opportunity to present a well-supported analysis that captivates your readers and contributes to your overall score in the IB Diploma Programme.


Developing Strong Arguments

Developing strong arguments is a crucial component of writing an A+ extended essay. To craft robust arguments, start by clearly outlining your main points or claims, ensuring they align with your thesis statement. Support your points with compelling evidence, such as data, examples, and expert opinions, and cite sources properly. Anticipate counterarguments and address them respectfully to strengthen your arguments.

Use logical reasoning and critical thinking, employing cause and effect or comparison techniques to enhance coherence. Provide analysis and interpretation of the evidence, showcasing your understanding of its significance. Employ rhetorical techniques to captivate readers without sacrificing clarity. Present your arguments well-structured and organised, using transitional phrases for smooth navigation.

Ib Extended Essay Guide for Writing the Conclusion

As you conclude your A+ extended essay (EE), it’s time to finish it with finesse. Begin by summarizing your main points, reinforcing the central themes and takeaways of your world studies extended essay. Reflect on the broader implications of your findings, considering their significance in your chosen field and potential future research directions.

Revisit your initial research question, evaluating your analysis and arguments by the assessment criteria provided by the International Baccalaureate (IBO). End with a thought-provoking statement or final thought that leaves a lasting impact on your readers.

Maintain a confident and convincing voice while staying within your chosen topic. Express gratitude and acknowledge the guidance provided by your IB coordinator and the support of the IB guide.


Polishing Your EE Exam

Polishing Your EE Exam


Polishing your A+ extended essay (IB EE) is the final step to ensure its excellence. Review your essay for structure and coherence, ensuring logical flow and addressing gaps or inconsistencies. Pay close attention to the clarity of your writing, striving for concise and accessible language that effectively conveys your ideas.

Meticulously proofread your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors using automated tools and manual review. Attend to formatting and presentation details, ensuring consistency and compliance with the mandatory requirements of the IB Diploma Programme (DP). Seek feedback from others, including your examiner, and consider their recommendations to improve the qualitative aspects of your essay.

Lastly, give your essay a final read-through, refining language and phrasing to enhance readability and engagement. By polishing your essay carefully, you demonstrate your commitment to excellence and attention to detail, fulfilling the IB EE requirements and the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) component.


Citing Your Sources and Writing Bibliography

As you approach the completion of your A+ extended essay, it’s crucial to pay homage to the sources that have guided your research. Citing your sources demonstrates academic integrity and allows readers, including your examiner, to explore the references and evidence you have utilized. Familiarize yourself with the specific citation style required for the 2023 deadline, such as APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard, and meticulously adhere to the formatting guidelines in your first draft.

Include accurate and complete information in your bibliography for each source, including the author’s name, title, publication date, and relevant page numbers. Incorporate in-text citations throughout your interdisciplinary essay to credit the original authors and help readers locate the sources.

Creating a comprehensive bibliography is essential to the international writing process, ensuring your essay is built on a solid foundation of scholarly support. By properly citing your sources, you uphold academic standards and recommend your work as a valuable opportunity for students to engage with mathematics and formulate their ideas within the given timeline.


Doing Final Touches to Maximize Score

As you finish writing the extended essay, a few final touches are needed to make it exceptional. Review your essay’s coherence and flow, ensuring logical connections between your arguments and a cohesive narrative.

Pay attention to the language and tone, aiming for clarity, precision, and conciseness while avoiding excessive jargon. Proofread your essay for any lingering grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors to ensure a polished and error-free final product. Consider the visual appeal of your essay, including consistent formatting, clear headings, and a visually pleasing layout.

Finally, take a moment to reflect on your journey, celebrate your accomplishments, and share your work to inspire others in their academic pursuits.


Extended Essay Format (Title Page to Appendix)

Cracking the Code: A Step-by-Step Approach to Writing an A+ IB Extended Essay 4


A proper format is crucial when writing an extended essay to ensure clarity, organization, and adherence to academic standards. Let’s explore the essential components of the extended essay format.

Title Page: The title page is the first page of your essay and includes important information such as the title, your name, the subject area, the research question, and the academic year. It sets the stage for your essay and provides the necessary details for identification.

Abstract: The abstract is a concise summary of your extended essay. It typically consists of 150 to 300 words and briefly overviews your research question, methodology, key findings, and conclusions. The abstract helps readers quickly understand the scope and significance of your essay.

Table of Contents: The table of contents lists your essay’s main sections, subheadings, and corresponding page numbers. It serves as a roadmap for readers, allowing them to easily navigate your essay and locate specific sections.

Introduction: The introduction provides an overview of your topic, establishes its relevance, and presents your thesis statement or research question. It sets the tone for your essay and prepares readers for future arguments and analysis.

Main Body: The main body of your extended essay is where you present your arguments, analysis, and evidence. It consists of several sections or chapters, each focusing on a specific aspect of your topic. Within each section, you provide subheadings to guide readers through your discussion and analysis. The main body showcases your research, critical thinking, and ability to construct a coherent argument.

Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes your key findings, restates your thesis statement, and reflects on the broader implications of your research. It allows you to wrap up your arguments and provide a sense of closure to your essay.

References/Bibliography: The references or bibliography section lists all the sources you cited or consulted in your essay. It follows a specific citation style, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, and includes detailed information for each source, allowing readers to locate the references easily.

Appendices (if applicable): Appendices are optional and may include additional materials such as charts, graphs, interview transcripts, or survey questionnaires that provide supplementary information or support your analysis.

It’s important to note that the specific formatting requirements may vary depending on your educational institution or program. Always consult the libguides provided by your school or ask your IB coordinator to ensure you adhere to the correct format and citation style.


Get Help With Your IB Extended Essay

If you’re seeking assistance with your IB Extended Essay, look no further than Essay Freelance Writers. As leaders in the industry, we offer expert writing help that guarantees exceptional results. Our team of skilled writers is well-versed in the requirements of the IB program and can provide you with comprehensive support throughout the essay-writing process.

Whether you need help choosing a topic, conducting research, crafting strong arguments, or polishing your final draft, our professionals guide you. Don’t hesitate to place your order today by clicking the ORDER NOW button above and experience working with the best in the industry.




What is the IB extended essay?


The IB extended essay is an independent research project that IB diploma students undertake, allowing them to explore a topic of their choice in-depth and demonstrate their academic skills.

Is it hard to pass the IB extended essay?


The difficulty level of the IB extended essay can vary depending on the individual’s research skills and dedication to the project. Students can pass the extended essay with proper guidance and thorough preparation.

How do you write an IB extended essay?


To write an IB extended essay, you need to choose a research question, conduct in-depth research, organize your findings, develop strong arguments, and present your analysis in a structured and coherent manner, following the guidelines and assessment criteria provided by the IB.

How many hours is the IB extended essay?


The number of hours spent on the IB extended essay can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the topic, the depth of research required, and the individual’s research and writing skills. On average, students are expected to spend around 40 hours on their extended essays.




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