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Top 13 Tips To Improve Your English Writing Skills

Oct 22, 2021

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Oct 22, 2021 | Blog

Improving your English writing skills requires perseverance and dedication to master the craft. Today, each individual has their reasons to improve their English writing skills and capabilities. Whether you’re a student hoping to create compelling essays, a blogger eager to create informative online content, or a fluent speaker longing to develop better writing skills, taking time to practice will significantly boost your writing prowess over time.

Regardless of the reason, improving your writing skills can happen with practice and dedication. Committing mistakes along the way is part of the learning process, and you’ll soon go through these obstacles with ease.

Even if your career path doesn’t require writing, communicating effectively through writing is advantageous, especially if you’re planning to work in a highly competitive industry.

Improving your writing skills can open a lot of new opportunities for you. Here are several tips to enhance your English writing skills in no time.

1. Take Time To Read

Take Time To Read

When it comes to writing, you’ll learn by example. If you set aside a specific time of your day on reading, you can check out the writing style of the author and how they convey their messages. Over time, you’ll start to adapt your writing styles to those you resonate with closely. As your writing improves, you’ll develop a distinct writing style you can be proud of.

It’s best to incorporate daily reading during your writing task. A good example is to create a summary or review of what you read for the day. Write a summary or review in one or two paragraphs. You can write something longer if you’re up for a challenge. Try checking out the various elements in the author’s writing style to come up with your unique voice.

Reading can also boost your vocabulary, sentence structure, and grammar skills. You may also learn various ways to communicate your ideas. For example, if you’re writing a biography or description of a house or destination, try to get ideas by reading brochures, books, magazines, or online sources. After reading, you can create your content showcasing the topic of your choice.

2. Register In An Online Course

Register In An Online Course

The flexibility the Internet provides is an advantage for those eager to improve their English skills. One way to help improve your English writing skills is through an online course. Today, you can readily find one online. However, make sure to look for reliable providers.

If you want to effectively boost your writing further, checking out available English online courses and tutorials would help make learning readily accessible right in the comforts of your home.

3. Practice How To Organize A Paragraph

One way to enhance your writing skills is to start practicing the creation of paragraphs.

  • When creating a paragraph, start with a topic sentence that explains what you’ll write about.
  • Follow it up with supporting sentences that add more details to the topic you’re working on.
  • End it with a conclusion which is a summary of the ideas in the body of your paragraph.

Try to learn how to make the proper transitions between paragraphs to ensure the smooth flow of ideas from one section to another.

4. Make Writing A Daily Routine

Make Writing A Daily Routine

Just like any activity, practice makes perfect. Like with any other skill, improvement comes from regular practice. Remember that you cannot master writing overnight. Most of the proficient writers spent years practicing until they see improvement.

You can assign yourself daily writing tasks or exercises. There’s no need to make the activity lengthy. Even a short paragraph a day is a good starting point. If you don’t feel comfortable doing the task alone, you can work with a partner such as a friend or family who also wants to improve their writing skills. After the task, exchange and read each other’s work to determine where you need to make changes or improvements.

Depending on the content you plan on creating, it can range from a simple description to a complex business letter. By writing daily, it’ll eventually make you accustomed to the task. Over time, you can readily write about any topic you want with ease.

5. Be Brief

While writing, try to avoid using any complex or long words. Generally, they often confuse the reader, making them lose interest in what you have to say. Try to keep your sentences short and avoid overusing filler words. These words only lengthen your sentences and will not contribute any information to the reader.

The writing style is also a consideration, so you need to make adjustments with your writing. Expository writing is one of the common writing forms. With this style, you’re explaining a topic using facts or statistics. Generally, it’s a writing style that should be brief and typically seen in recipes, textbooks, or news stories.

Some styles of writing will require you to describe the topic in full detail. In descriptive writing, it involves describing a person, place, or object. Some examples of descriptive writing include poetry, fictional novels, or diary writing. In some cases, an author will include metaphor or other literary devices.

6. Improve Your Grammar

If your goal is to improve your written English, then you need to improve your writing skills. If your main goal is just to learn English, then it doesn’t matter what your spelling and grammar skills are. However, if you are serious about improving your writing skills, then you have no choice but to improve your grammar. Even if you think you’ve mastered English grammar, there are still a lot of areas where you can improve yourself.

You’ll see an improvement with your writing if you find ways to improve your grammar. One way you can do this is to work on grammar exercises. Remember that grammar is more crucial when writing than speaking since it’s more formal and requires a structure.

7. Spend Time Reading News Stories

Top 13 Tips To Improve Your English Writing Skills 1

If you don’t read newspapers before, now is the right time to start making it a habit. Try reading a variety of newspapers, including tabloids and magazines. While you stay up to date with the current events, the combination of news sources can also help expand your vocabulary. Another benefit of this activity is that you’ll become more comfortable working out the spelling and context of written pieces.

8. Prioritize Proofreading Or Editing

Most often overlook editing in the writing process. Any mistakes or errors in your writing are likely to divert the reader’s attention away from the message you want to convey. Additionally, readers might consider your writing unreliable due to the mistakes they’ll encounter while reading.

Generally, the human brain often overlooks minor errors during the editing process. Due to this, it’s best to utilize an online editing tool to pinpoint the mistakes you fail to see.

9. Provide A Clear Message

An essay or news article without a clear point or message can be frustrating to read. Before starting your writing task, think about the message you want to share and make sure you’ll deliver it straightforwardly from start to end.

Always think about your audience when writing. Consider what the readers want to know and how they want you to deliver your message. Think about whether to use a formal or an informal tone with your writing. Determine if you can incorporate humor or discuss straightforwardly. These are essential factors to consider as you start the writing process.

10. Watch English Movies

Top 13 Tips To Improve Your English Writing Skills 2

One way to improve your English writing skills is to watch English movies. The activity will help you better understand the language and get used to the conversational forms of English. You can also check out informal-sounding words and look for formal alternatives you can incorporate in your writing.

Aside from movies, you can also consider watching documentaries and news shows. Regular exposure to a language might help you process the words and allow you to write better.

11. Compile A Vocabulary Of Basic Words

For this activity, you can use a notebook or computer to create a list of essential words and phrases. Once you encounter a word you’re not familiar with, list it down.

Avoid focusing on the word alone, but also look for synonyms and phrases it’s used for. Although you understand what certain words mean, you might not use them in a sentence correctly. Knowing the meaning and similar alternatives will help you properly incorporate the words in a sentence to create good content.

12. Practice Speaking In English

Although reading and listening tasks can significantly help improve your English writing skills, you should also interactively use the language by practicing your speaking skills.

An approach worth considering is to talk to yourself in a mirror or record yourself. Even though listening to your voice might seem awkward initially, you can hear any mistakes you’ll make that you’re not aware of previously.

13. Keep An English Dictionary On Hand

Keep An English Dictionary On Hand

If you want to gain an edge on your writing skills, try to keep a dictionary on hand at all times. You can quickly look up words to know their meaning when you have one. You can also learn suitable synonyms and antonyms to use. Doing so will help you avoid repeating words or phrases, which will significantly improve your English writing skills and capabilities.

A dictionary will give you a better understanding of how words are used and help you understand the subtle differences that can make a sentence sound better. An English dictionary will also give you a better understanding of how words are used in different situations.

Final Thoughts To Improve Your English Writing Skills

Writing is not a skill you can fully grasp overnight. But, with perseverance, practice, and dedication, you’ll steadily see an improvement in your capabilities. Begin with simple steps by writing simple sentences and challenge yourself daily with elaborate phrases.

Although it might seem a daunting endeavor, improving your writing skills with the help of these tips is worth it in the long run. Maintaining a positive mindset can help a lot in boosting your writing skills to a whole new level.


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