Abortion is a controversial topic and social issue.
People often debate whether it should be illegal or not.
In most religions and cultures, termination of pregnancy is an abomination; it is perceived as murder.
However, certain health circumstances warrant the legal practice of fetus life termination.
The difference in opinion on this subject makes it suitable for research papers and academic essays.
This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to write a persuasive abortion essay.
What is an Abortion
The process of abortion artificially is often called induced abortion.
Although there are countries where it’s legal, like the United States, many places have restrictive abortion laws against induced aborticides. The Roe v. Wade case was the first time an abortion case was brought to the United States Supreme Court.
This makes many women resort to different abortions, which are unsafe.
Some people try to end their pregnancies by using sharp objects or chemicals, which is very dangerous.
Major forms of abortion
- medical abortion.
- Vacuum aspiration.
- Dilation and extraction.
- Labor induction.
- spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)
Essay Structure on Abortion
Abortion essay is a form of a persuasive essay. The essay structure about this topic typically includes a brief introduction describing your thesis and some background information on it.
You then proceed through each point you plan to make in their order.
Finally, conclude that you agree or disagree by stating why as concisely as possible.
A pro-choice argumentative essay may have the following essay structure:
- The definition
- The analysis of the social aspect.
- Thesis: “Should society’s disapproval break not only the women but also the families and unwanted children’s lives?”
Main body.
- Paragraph 1. An argument in favor (two, three, or more).
- Paragraph 2: An argument against (same as in the previous paragraph).
- A general deduction that confirms the thesis in the introduction.
- Expression of a personal vision of a problem.
Essay Outline on Abortion
The outline of your essay is like a table of contents that lists the various parts of the document.
Choose the main idea for each paragraph, so you know what to focus on.
It may look like this:
Introduction: The problem of abortions.
Main body: Everything considered on the topic of abortions, namely
- Paragraph 1: Advantages aborticide can provide.
- Paragraph 2: Disadvantages and negative consequences of termination of pregnancy.
Conclusion: Inference and personal point of view on the problem.
How to write an abortion essay
The guide on how to write essays on abortion will be divided into three sections; introduction, body, and conclusion.
Abortion essay introduction
A good introduction should be interesting so that a reader can be curious enough to finish the entire essay.
The first sentence should be some hook.
You could start with a question, a quote, or a fascinating fact about abortions.
Then, introduce the topic to let a reader know what you are talking about.
You can introduce your essay by defining abortion.
You will find very many definitions of abortions.
Abortions are the deliberate termination of pregnancy, mostly done in the first seven months of gestation.
Your thesis statement should appear in the introduction of your essay and should state your position on the topic.
Abortion essay Body
When writing the body of your paper, you should consider these two main things:
1) Coming up with strong arguments
In most cases, your argument will be against abortions.
Therefore, a good approach will introduce a cause and describe its consequences before going to the next cause.
Consider the following are a few anti-abortion arguments you can develop a thesis statement from:
- Abortion damages a woman’s reproductive health system
- It goes against the principles of feminism
- It does not free a woman. Instead, it enslaves her to guilt
- It can be perceived as a way for men to escape responsibility
Consider the following pro-life abortion thesis statements:
- Abortion is one procedure that comes with severe risks, including damage to the reproductive system, infertility, and excessive bleeding.
- Depression is a possible consequence of abortion since the procedure weighs heavily on a woman’s conscience. Regretting a procedure can cause depression, which in some cases can be so severe that it leads to mental illness.
- Many individuals and couples are unable to conceive and get children. A woman should consider carrying her baby to term and then giving it up for adoption, instead of aborting it.
- The leading cause of abortion is unwanted pregnancies. Yet, a woman can choose to use contraceptives that have mild consequences and are cheaper than abortion.
- The fetus inside a woman’s womb is living. Therefore, abortion is murder, and killing a living being is immoral and a crime worth punishment.
- Abortion is painful not just for the mother but also for the baby. Doctors cannot find a consensus on what stage a baby starts feeling pain in the womb. But, of course, it feels pain when it is aborted late.
- Most religions teach that ending the life of an embryo is a sin. But, using religion to justify anti-abortion is an argument that will not work for atheists. Still, the evidence religious teachings used to be against abortion is solid.
- Human life begins in a woman’s womb, so the unborn child is a human who has the right to life.
- Abortion, because of the abnormalities of the embryo or fetus, can be regarded as discrimination against a physical feature.
- Abortion is not a form of contraception.
- Ending a fetus’s life popularizes the disrespect for human life.
- Originally, the Hippocratic Oath forbids abortion.
- Abortion may cause future health problems for a unmarried woman.
- A pregnant woman have to accept the responsibilities that come with human pregnancy.
- Abortion causes psychological problems.
- Black women are having more abortions than white women, which means that more African babies are being aborted.
- Many scientists believe that fetuses feel sufferings while fetus life is ended.
- Abortion is the murder of an innocent creature.
- Access to abortions may reduce the number of children available for adoption.
- Abortion destroys the possible social contribution of an unborn child.
- Abortion services is a controversial issue that contradicts God’s commandments.
You could also discuss the surgical abortion procedures used and the possible effects of each procedure.
Outline each procedure, explaining what it entails, what a patient can expect during and after, and the risks.
A surgical abortion involves ending a pregnancy by removing it via the vagina by surgical means.
Alternatively, you can use medical evidence to develop pro-abortion arguments.
This approach mainly focuses on justifiable personal and medical reasons for abortion.
Personal reasons for abortion include the physiological effects of pregnancy, financial problems, relationship issues, unreadiness to be a parent, and pregnancies resulting from rape.
There are both psychological and health reasons why pregnant minors may have problems. Their mothers may also face health issues that could lead to miscarriage or threaten their lives.
It is advisable to understand the difference between personal and health reasons and that abortion is legal for certain health situations.
Consider the following pro-abortion thesis statements:
- Unwanted pregnancies have psychological and physiological medical dangers, which are the reasons for abortion facilities and should be legalized.
- Sometimes, the psychological effects and medical emergencies associated with early pregnancies necessitate abortion. Still, the consent of a parent or guardian should be mandatory before the procedure is carried out on a minor.
- There is a need to analyze the debate on abortion without factoring in the religious objections if there is consensus over the legal and ethical existence of the practice. Aren’t therapeutic abortions pro-life?
- Women who can’t do an abortion may become unemployed, live below the poverty line, or become victims of domestic violence.
- Safe and Legal abortions reduce women’s injury or even death from illegal backstreet abortions.
- A woman’s independence must decide whether she wants to have a child.
- Abortion is considered to be one of the methods of population control.
- Most neuroscientists believe that fetuses can’t feel pain when an abortion is done.
- Abortion, the deliberate termination of a human, is the chance not to give birth to a child with deviations.
- A child may not come to the world unwanted.
- Everybody has a fundamental right to choose what to do with their own body. Therefore, it is a woman’s right to health
- Some scientists claim that personhood starts when a fetus can live outside the womb after birth.
- Modern methods of termination of pregnancy won’t cause infertility and other lasting health problems.
2. Avoiding plagiarism
Plagiarism is copying other people’s work without their consent.
It is highly penalized in academic papers.
In the body of your essay, you will have to include facts and arguments drawn from your research sources.
When using information from sources, you will need to paraphrase it, or express it in your own words.
You can also avoid plagiarism by quoting or citing your sources.
There are many sources of information on abortion care, including books, websites, medical journals, and research papers.
After citing a fact from a book or source, use an in-citation to indicate the source of the information..
Your paper will also have a reference section.
Ensure all the sources you have used in the body of the paper appear in the references section.
After finishing your paper, use an anti-plagiarism tool to check the plagiarism percentage in your paper.
Abortion essay conclusion – summarizing your essay
The conclusion, of course, is the summary of the entire essay.
The conclusion is where you summarize your main points and answer the “so what” question.
You can start your conclusion with a rhetorical statement or question.
If your essay was against abortion, you could end by asking if it isn’t a form of murder.
Similarly, if your essay was pro-abortion, you could start your conclusion by asking; Is it not barbaric to force a woman to carry a pregnancy that might risk their lives?
After the rhetoric device, you can go ahead and rephrase the thesis statement you wrote in the introduction.
Make sure you relate your thesis to your main points.
Additionally, your conclusion should offer solutions and recommendations to the problem you discussed in the paper.
Summary on how to write an essay on abortion
An abortion essay is a relatively easy assignment, considering it is a social issue with numerous published information.
However, due to the issue’s popularity, you have to develop a strong and unique argument to wow your lecturer or instructor.
Adhere to the guidelines shared above, and you will develop a good abortion thesis statement and a read-worthy essay.
Contact us now if you need professional help writing an abortion essay or any assignment.
Abortion Topics and Ideas for Argumentative essays
How about some examples and ideas for your essay? Try one of the following from the list below
- Can the unborn fetus feel pain during the procedure of abortion?
- Should abortion be considered murder?
- What are the reasons behind the decision of abortion by married couples?
- What are the effects of abortion on a woman’s health?
- The attitude to abortion in different cultures.
- Will abortion illegalization increase the number of backstreet abortions?
- Why do women do abortions?
- What should be the lowest age for abortion?
Essays samples and Examples on Abortion
1) Ethical Arguments Against Abortion (Abortion should be illegal)
Medical specialists perform abortions by suctioning fetuses from the womb. This procedure is performed on a daily basis all over the world. The law guards and gives consent to both the medical professionals and the mother for these processes of surgical abortion.
Ethical Arguments Against Abortion2) ROE V WADE
The Roe v Wade case in 1973 ruled that abortion was constitutional in the United States of America. This became a landmark ruling that set a precedent for future cases.
ROE VS WADE CASE3) Abortion and Medical Termination of pregnancy in Ireland
This paper will mainly focus on abortion in Ireland. It will discuss how abortion can be performed, and the laws surrounding abortion.
Abortion and Medical Termination in Ireland4) Description of the Abortion Issue in Canadian Constitutional Law
The issue of abortion in Canadian constitutional law is potentially disruptive and divisive. The Supreme Court of Canada invalidated the criminal code provisions governing abortion procedures in early 1988.
Abortion Issue in Canadian Constitutional Law
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